Brazil: Updates Label Requirements for Wireless Products

The Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicacoes (ANATEL) in Brazil has updated its labeling regulations for wireless products. Resolution 662 amends the previous resolution 242 from Nov. 2000. This affects all wireless products that fall under ANATEL’s scope.

The primary changes  are as follows:

1) The Certification number (homologation) and the manufacturer’s identification number have changed. There are now five numbers each. The new labeling format is, for example,  HHHHH-AA-FFFFF. where:

HHHHH: identifies the approval of the product by sequential numbering with 5 characters;

AA: Identifies the year of issue of the approval with 2 numeric characters; and,

FFFFF: identifies the manufacturer of the product with 5 numeric character

2) ANATEL has removed the EAN number and bar code requirement for their labels.

ANATEL allows products with limited space for the logo and approval identification code to place these markings on the user manual and optionally on the product packaging. Please check that your device is in fact considered small enough for this exemption.